MATLAB for Control Engineers

MATLAB for Control Engineers.
In this course, we teach how to use MATLAB for control engineering topics. We basically teach the use of MATLAB for the following topics:
—- Polynomial Functions in MATLAB
—- Transfer Function Calculation Using MATLAB, State Space Modeling in MATLAB
—- Series and Parallel Connection of Control Systems in MATLAB
—- Impulse and Step Response of Control Systems in MATLAB
—- Second Order Control System Performance Parameters in MATLAB
—- Stability Analysis of Control Systems in MATLAB
—- Routh-Hurwitz Stability Check, Root Locus Analysis in MATLAB
—- Nyquist Analysis in MATLAB
—- Control System Application Tool in MATLAB
—- Control System Toolbox of MATLAB
—- More Topics are Added in Time (Pole Replacement, Controllability, and Observability)