Technology Bytes – Get Future Ready

Technology Bytes – Get Future Ready, Get Started with IoT, Blockchain, Cloud and Ethical AI.

In this course, our intent is to provide just the right information to get you started on some of key technologies – Internet of Things, Blockchain, Cloud and Artificial Intelligence. The combinatorial power of these technologies would drive next generation of future applications.

The topics covered are

Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most hyped concepts in today’s technology world. However, with so much hype, there is still a lot of confusion on what does Internet of Things actually mean and what it takes to build IoT applications and how to apply it in various industries.

The first topic would cover what is Internet of Thing, followed by how to realize IoT applications using an Internet of Things Architecture.


Blockchain design of today has moved beyond cryptocurrency. It has evolved into a platform that supports industry-wide use cases suitable for public and enterprise needs.

The second topic on Blockchain covers what is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain, followed by how to build enterprise blockchain applications using an reference Blockchain architecture.


Cloud computing kept the business and remote workforces connected during this ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As we move into 2021, every organization would eventually adopt cloud models and existing cloud business would look at ways to streamline their processes for better business continuity.

This third topic would cover types of Cloud Computing environment – Hybrid, Edge and Multi-Cloud, followed by what exactly is Cloud Native Technology. This would cover the technology landscape from last 2 decades – Monolithic, SOA, Web Services, ESB, Cloud, Docker, DevOps, Microservices and Cloud-Native.

Ethical and Responsible AI Applications

If you are in business of building AI models, you should starting designing Ethical AI models and applications, right from the product/service inception.

In the fourth topic,we would cover what is Ethical AI, provide examples and how to build Ethical and Responsible AI applications.

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