Adobe Illustrator : Art Engineering For Graphic Designers

Adobe Illustrator : Art Engineering For Graphic Designers, The Adobe Illustrator skill you have been missing. Analyse art like a pro using three things: Mind, Eyes, & Illustrator.

Course Description

Welcome Learners!

In this course, you will learn the brand new skill of analysing vector art using your eyes, mind, and then creating that art using Adobe Illustrator.

You will learn the fastest, simplest methods to create the art you love, saving you tons of time and effort, and giving you the ability to see and analyse vector art in ways you never thought about before.

Train your eyes to see beyond the vector art and deep into the previous levels of how the art was created and where it started.

Great news for beginners and more advanced Illustrator users alike. Why?

If you are a beginner , this course skips no steps and teaches you how to use every single tool needed.

If you are a more advanced user, this course will teach you fresh skills and give you new analysis abilities that will speed up your process, saving you time, effort, and helping you meet deadlines. Not to mention making you see vector art in ways you have never even thought about before!

Each video lecture comes with it’s own downloadable Adobe Illustrator file. This file contains :

1- The desired result.

2- The reverse engineering blueprint.

3- It’s own color palette.

4- The workspace.

Bring your mouse and keyboard, and join us.

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