Linux for Cloud Engineers and Devops

Linux for Cloud Engineers and Devops, Speed up your Devops and Cloud learning journey, learn all the necessary linux command you will need for daily tasks.

Course Description

Welcome to Linux for Cloud Engineers and Devops, a short but powerful course that aims to turn you into a linux super user, and speed up your devops or cloud engineering education. This could be a big 10-hour course but i wanted to teach you the most important commands in a short time by avoiding theories. So this a hands-on practical course on linux command line that you can really help you linux learning. So here are all the course sections and topic video of each sections:

Part 1:

Create a instance on aws

ANd on windows with virtualbox

logging in with ssh

File uploading

Changing directories

Part 2:

Editing files with nano

Creating and removing directories

Copying, moving, editing and

deleting files

Part 3:

Creating new user

Creating new groups

Change file owner

change file permissions

Part 4:

Installing packages

Starting or stopping services

Setting up firewall

Backup data

Crontab with shell script

Commands you will learn:

  • date
  • uptime
  • whoami
  • ll
  • ls
  • cd
  • pwd
  • rclone
  • touch
  • mkdir
  • rmdir
  • nano
  • vi
  • rm
  • mv
  • cp
  • cat
  • less
  • more
  • ufw
  • head
  • tail
  • find
  • grep
  • file
  • chmod
  • sudo
  • su
  • chown
  • addgroup
  • adduser
  • userdel
  • crontab
  • ssh
  • scp
  • apt
  • zip
  • unzip
  • systemctl
  • ps
  • top

So What Are You Waiting For?

Click That Enroll Button and I’ll See you inside 🙂

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