Upsize Your MS Access Business Information to MS SQL Server

Upsize Your MS Access Business Information to MS SQL Server, Easily upsize your business information in just a few and easy steps.
Course Description
MS Access is one of the most used business productivity tools around.
Businesses of all sizes use it – you can find it on home and small businesses as well as on medium and big businesses alike.
It can be used to manage small tasks or projects but it can also be used to manage an entire business day to day operation.
Whatever the case there will probably come a time when your business will outgrow the technical capabilities of a MS Access database or application.
When that time comes you’ll probably want to transfer your business information into a more powerful database management system (SQL Server) – but at the same time you’ll still want to keep on using your familiar forms and reports (MS Access).
This course is precisely aimed at helping and teaching you how to make this migration/upsizing, by guiding you through a few easy steps, alongside a handful of tutorials.
Hope You Enjoy The Course – See You Inside!