Find the Root Causes of your Stress & Emerge in Peace

Find the Root Causes of your Stress & Emerge in Peace, Don’t let stress and fear control your life. Discover the root causes of your suffering and re-wire you brain for peace.

Course Description

Don’t just treat the symptoms. Find the causes of the symptoms and release them. When pulling weeds from a garden, we remove the root so it doesn’t grow back. So we must go after the roots of our unhappiness to heal and live more in a state of peace and happiness.

You will build awareness of your stress, anxiety, fears, and limiting beliefs.

You will learn meditations, awareness techniques, breath-work, and questions to ask yourself to uncover and transcend the fears and limiting beliefs that run on auto-pilot in your subconscious.

You will learn to re-wire your brain to operate within the powers of peace.

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