Understanding System Design and Interviewing

Understanding System Design and Interviewing, Develop System design skills for System Design Interviews.

Cousre Description

Welcome to the course on Understanding System Design and Interviewing. With a large number of courses already available on System Design and Computer fundamentals in general, I wanted to take a Fundamentals centric approach with this course talking about various primitives and going through several system design problems to give exposure to the interviewing process. My name is Sandeep and I am a Software Engineer. In my experience spanning around 20 years I have worked on various systems that varied in complexity and Scale. In the course of this tenure I not only have given many system design interviews but also interviewed candidates on System design concepts and fundamentals. With this course I hope to share that experience with you. This course will provide basic System Design skills touching concepts that matter and also provide exposure to some of the most asked System design questions in different technical companies. I hope you enjoy the course. You can always reach out to me at the provided email to get clarifications or questions. I will talk about many of these fundamental primitives that one can keep in their toolbox to apply to various design problems. I will share resources every now and then that are good reads and set us for better system design and general problem solver in the long run.

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