Google Cloud Anthos 101

Google Cloud Anthos 101, Google Cloud Anthos 101 – Hybrid and MultI-Cloud platform – Overview, Architecture and Deployment Models

Course Description

Cloud computing kept the business and remote workforces connected during this ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As we move into 2021, every organisation would eventually adopt cloud models and existing cloud business would look at ways to streamline their processes for better business continuity.

Broadly, in addition to the standard single cloud deployment model, there are 3 kinds of cloud models we are taking about – multi-cloud deployment, hybrid cloud deployment and cloud on the edge.

As organizations starts to transition towards these cloud models, the following challenges arises –

  • How to create cloud applications that can be deployed anywhere.
  • How to deploy and manage cloud applications in a consistent way across these environments.
  • How to modernize existing on-prem applications leveraging the existing virtualized infrastructure.
  • How to extend single cloud deployment to support multi-cloud deployments.
  • How to provide consistent compliance and security across environments.
  • How to provide the same consistent tooling for continuous deployment, continuous integration across environments.

To address the above challenges in a consistent way, we need a platform that enables organizations to build cloud applications that can be deployed anywhere – multi-cloud, hybrid or cloud on the edge.

In this video series, you would learn about Google Anthos, its architecture and the key components.

Understand hybrid, edge and multi-cloud cloud environment and be Google Anthos ready with this video lectures.

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