Master 1D and 2D Kinematics (AP Physics C: Unit 1)

Master 1D and 2D Kinematics (AP Physics C: Unit 1), Quick and To-the-Point Course with Focused Lectures, Multiple Choice Quiz and Free Response Assignment.
Course Description
This course is aligned with the AP Physics C (Mechanics) curriculum and covers Unit 1 (Kinematics).
The course is problem-based, and you will get plenty of practice in:
- Plotting and interpreting motion graphs of particles
- Applying the big five kinematic equations strategically to quickly solve uniform acceleration motion problems
- Applying calculus methods to solve motion problems involving non-uniform acceleration
- Solving 2D projectile motion problems
The course is ideal for:
- AP Physics C students
- First year university students who are taking Physics or Engineering
- Students who want to improve their problem solving skills in Physics
- Any person who wants to begin learning Physics.
At the end of this course, you will be an excellent problem solver in Kinematics and have a strong foundation to tackle the remaining AP Physics C (Mechanics) Units. I welcome your emails and requests, and will respond to you in a timely manner. I look forward to teaching you this course and will provide plenty of support so you get the most out of it.
The course is taught in the following modules:
1) Kinematics: Motion in One Dimension
a) Displacement, distance, average speed, average velocity
b) Instantaneous speed, instantaneous velocity
c) Instantaneous acceleration, average acceleration
d) Worked Example 1: Graphing the motion of a particle
e) Worked Example 2: Acceleration and position from the velocity graph
f) Big Five Kinematic Equations: Algebraic derivation
g) Big Five Kinematic Equations: Calculus derivation
h) Worked Example 3: How to select and apply the Big Five Kinematic Equations to a free fall problem
g) Worked Example 4: How to select and apply the Big Five Kinematic Equations to a more involved free fall problem
i) Worked Example 5: Applying the kinematic derivatives to a problem involving non-uniform acceleration
j) Worked Example 6: How to select and apply the Big Five Kinematic Equations to a more complicated elevator problem with several intervals of motion
2) Kinematics: Motion in Two Dimensions
a) Projectile Motion: Deriving the equations from the Big Five
b) Worked Example 7: How to select and apply the Projectile Motion equations
c) Worked Example 8: Determine the launch angle that maximises the range of a projectile
d) Worked Example 9: How to select and apply the Projectile Motion equations to more involved problems
3) Multiple Choice Quiz And Free Response Assignment
a) Multiple choice Quiz with a similar level of difficulty to the multiple choice section of an AP physics exam
b) Free response Assignment with a similar level of difficulty to the multiple choice section of an AP physics exam