Broadcast + Newsletter Emails

Broadcast + Newsletter Emails, Send “1 to Many” Emails in Keap.

Course Description

This mini course is designed to explain what a broadcast is, cover key scenarios where it might be useful, and then walk through the technical steps to send a broadcast message to your audience, or a portion of your audience. Whether you use Keap Pro, Max, or Max Classic this course has the direction your implementer needs. Did you know you can schedule emails to send later? By scheduling sends, you can build and execute your follow-up without having to be in front of your computer during the times you want to send. Additionally we can look at all the reporting options you have to analyze the success and engagement of each broadcast. If you don’t yet have Keap, this is a good course to understand some of the basic email marketing capabilities that the tool brings to the table, but it is just the “tip of the Iceberg” when it comes to power that this tool has in order to communicate with your leads, prospects, and customers. Marketing is all about building a relationship with your contacts and our hope is that after this course you have a clear direction in how you want to follow-up using a broadcast methodology.

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