Cisco Ccna Getting Started

Cisco Ccna Getting Started, Get Started studying CCNA now! We will cover the Exams, Exam Scores, Books, and tips on studying consistency.


This is a course that covers the steps that are needed for those who want to get started studying for their Cisco CCNA Certification. So, no more delay, let us get STARTED!

We will be discussing the basics of getting started. This will also include the items that you need to get started. We will take the time to go shopping and build our self a lab. Although there will still be some needed research on your part, you will not have any issues getting started after this course.

We start off with talking about the exams that are needed to take, followed by what items you need, and then moving on with some tips about keeping active.

We end the course with a trip to ebay and then some questions at the end of the course. Come join Kiel Martin and let’s have some fun.

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