AI Animation with DALL-E 2, Photoshop and After Effects

AI Animation with DALL-E 2, Photoshop, and After Effects, Learn how to use AI to create an Infinite Zoom!

DALL-E 2 is one of the most powerful AI Art Generation programs on the market. It is comparable to that of Mid journey and Disco Diffusion, however, DALL-E 2 has tools to not only create generative art but to edit existing images. The ability to edit existing images is what sets DALL-E 2 apart from the crowd.

By utilizing the ‘outpainting’ function within DALL-E2 we will be able to create images that can then be animated in the form of an infinite zoom. This course is also reliant on the use of Photoshop and After Effects. You can get a free trial of Adobe Photoshop and After Effects and there will be a lesson and links highlighting this.

DALL-E 2 has now removed its Waitlist and the software is free of charge, there is however a 15 credit limit per month. Within this course, I have purchased extra credits as I use DALL-E 2 a lot in my professional work. However, there is no requirement for you to make any purchases!

The prerequisites for this course are as follows: You will need an internet connection, an email address, Photoshop, and After Effects. As mentioned above you can obtain free trials of both Photoshop and After Effects.

Course outline

Infinite Zooms made with DALL-E 2 (A quick case study look at AI animations made with DALL-E 2, more specifically we will look at examples of infinite zooms made with DALL-E 2)

How to access DALL-E 2 (This session will show you how to access DALL-E 2)

Generating images in DALL-E 2 and Photoshop ready to animate (In this session we will utilize the prompt command to generate our first artwork. We will pair this with processing our images in Photoshop in order to generate images specifically for our infinite zoom.)

Animating an infinite zoom in After Effects (In this session we will utilize Adobe After Effects to take our DALL-E 2 images and animate the infinite zoom)

Class Project (Assignment) – (This lesson will walk you through the class project that you have been tasked with, summarising the skills and techniques learned so far in the course.)

As mentioned above in the course outline, the course will finish with a really fun assignment where you will have the opportunity to practice the skills that you have learned in this course! I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys create so please upload your work along with any key prompts you made! You may wish to submit a YouTube link in order to share the work you’ve made!

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