Microsoft Excel Masterclass (2016/2019) – Basic to Advanced

Microsoft Excel Masterclass (2016/2019) – Basic to Advanced, All in One Microsoft Excel Course from Beginner to Expert Level.

Of all the business and office tools available in the digital age, Microsoft Excel remains the most essential of them all. Excel is a critical and foundational tool for any successful professional, and you can’t afford not to master it. So this course was designed keeping in my mind that students have different needs in Excel based on their experience and knowledge level with Microsoft Excel. This online course has something for everyone, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons in Excel.

The course covers basics formulas including IF, COUNT, SUM, SUMIF, and an array of other foundational skills to get you started and then gradually moves to other Advanced functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, GOAL SEEKER, Pivot Tables etc, so by the End of the course you have a firm grip on the subject and become a Miscrosoft Excel Ninja.

The course has ample of resources for practice and there is a QnA forum where you can ask questions and seek clarification for your queries and doubts.

So looking forward to see you inside the course and lets EXCEL with EXCEL.

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